War on Liesis on a mission to inform, and enlighten people.Truthsare only established via public information and discussions. Speaking truths is serving the Lord God the Creator. We will find the truths together, we will live by them, and we will fight the lies. |
War-on-Lies Librarywill store, compile, and discuss information sources of obscure, and repressed truths in subject areas ofhealth,science,academics,politics,social and cultural issues,martial arts, andsocioeconomic topics. The library is open now! |
Research and Development Serviceswill report the experimented activities in subject areas ofhealth,science,academics,politics,social and cultural issues,martial arts, andsocioeconomic topics. The research Article 15 is open now! |
AAW✞Knight Foundationclick here to go to non-profit subentity of Arts of Ancient Wisdom.Website launched on 2/14/2022 for "interactive" future AAW✞KF projects.![]() |
“ Time to Destroy Fallacies of Germ Theory Surmounting Casualties ”-11/18/2023: Twelve Mineral Salts (A.K.A. 12 Cell Salts) are very important for health; Oxidative stress can bring in all kinds of disease to the body, Article 22 by multiple information sources. "Collagen is protein glue that binds the skin layers."
“ mRNA Vaccine Contains no mRNA but Bacteria, Toxin, and Contaminants ”-9/11/2023--10/6/2023: The Gunk will not Reprogram their DNA because Finished Product is NOT mRNA to Make the Virus Gnome; mRNA injections are poisons to wipe out millions of people, Article 21--21B by Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D., Dr. Tom Cowan, and Dr. David Rasnick. "[People] were injected with bacteria and other contaminants in the gunk."
“ The Body’s Ability to Fight Cancer ”-8/22/2023: The body has the abilities to cure, and repair almost anything, Article 20- by Billy Best. "...they told him his condition was genetic and that there was nothing he could do or nothing he did wrong that could have been avoided; and he has no other options."
“ Secrets of Bacteria in Healings, and Genetics ”-8/18/2023: Bacteria are behind DNA, RNA, and Genetics, Article 19- by Dr. Cowan and other. "...DNA and RNA strands do not do anything, but the bacteria are doing all the work." “Mom, What Makes Me Sick” by David Howland ISBN 978-1-953977-24-3 Terrain Theory book is also in this article.
“ Malfunctioned Cells Caused Sickness ”-7/31/2023: Disproving the Mainstream Cell Theory Mathematically, Article 18- by Dr. Cowan. "...total volume of 100, 000 cubic micrometer of ribosomes cannot fit in the volume of 70 cubic micrometers cytoplasm."
“ Fear not the Virus ”-7/22/2023: Virus Does not Make You Sick, Article 17- by Dr. Cowan. "If I cannot be free, then there is no point in being safe."
“ Heroic Scientists, Doctors, and Outrageous Fakers of Virology ”-6/26/2023: The Fear Induced Viruses, Article 16 (5 parts)- by Heroic Scientists of the World. Fear ... is so great it triggers intubation to contain the spread of it. Intubation causes the patients on ventilators to die.
“ Lies and Problems from Drug-Addicts and Solutions ”-6/21/2023: Scientific Challenge, Article 15- by Christopher McGrath. Borrowing from the body reserve energy system on prolonged period, but not paying back, will kill drug addicts.
“ Money Creation and Bank Operation Controls ”-6/14/2023: Freedom, Article 14- Prof. Richard Werner and Mr. David Icke. In order to achieve freedom, we need to understand money to make money. Definition of freedom is having choices. Without money, there is no or very little choice.
“ New Foundation: Cell Theory, Biology, Medicine, and Virology ”- 6/02/2023--6/5/2023: Breaking the Spell, Article 13- Medical publication from Dr. Tom Cowan detailed the flawed lies about virology and firm foundation to more honest and true progress in medical science for future truth seekers, and better Cell Theory and definition to Life.
“ Understanding Heart: Insights into New Truthful Ways ”-5/29/2023: Safekeeping from Heart Attack, Article 12- Heart truly is a special organ in spiritual sense compliant with biblical words. It radiates and emits Life Force created from water.
“ HIV-AIDS Investigation: Origin of Lies and Destructions it Produced ”- 5/26/2023--8/13/2023: Nobel Prize Winning Lies, Article 11-B--F Here is an allusive responses from Montagnier about his claim in obtaining “purified” HIV virus: “we [found] some somewhere but they were not of interest.” This is the most crucial interest to anyone. Lamest answer anyone can give.
“ Dr. Andrew Kaufman- Body Responses to Flu, Cancer, and other Illnesses ”-5/18/2023: Miracle of Body's Abilities, Article 10- "Body can cure of itself of anything. We just need to learn to enhance it. Fear is most destructive ingredient in healing process and it does most damage in the first place."
“ Dr. Jason Fung- Curable Truths about Diabetes Case ”-5/17/2023: How to Cure Diabetes, Article 9- "... beyond the medical solution, but lifestyle, and mentality of people who live to ascend in life."
“ Dr. Tom Cowan- Winning COVID Legal Court-case Strategy ”-5/09/2023: How to Fight the COVID Persecutions, Article 8- Many businesses, and people face legal cases to pay huge fines or even criminal persecutions because of worldwide fraud COVID pandemic and virology lies. An engineer/scientist gentleman Marvin Haberland in German purposely went through all the troubles to set up winning-fact arguments and resourceful documents for the worldwide legal cases.
“ Professor Dr. Thomas Szasz- Evil Dangers of Psychiatry. ”-5/04/2023: Psychiatric Coercion, Article 7- “Mental health profession today is a molestation (it’s intrusive). Children, old people, and prisoners are victims.”
“ Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Mark Bishofsky- Medical Expedition to Truths- Reasons for Illness ”-4/28/2023--8/28/2023: Reasons for Illness, Article 6- "Two doctors maintain honest discussions with compliments and disagreements. Shocking treatments practices forced onto by systems exposed.... Discussions point virus existence and vaccines to fight them is money scamming scheme." The Article 6-B- "in today’s medical world, the rigged system makes roles of the doctors bogus and useless."
“ Dr. Andrew Kaufman- Virus Fear Scam. Virology Report ”-4/23/2023: Virus Fear, Article 5- "I have come to realization in controversies about viruses. I went deeper into this whole field called virology and discovered very interesting and surprising evidences. Virology is a scam."
“ Dr. Tom Cowan- Virus Fairy Tale Scam. Virology Lie. ”-4/24/2023: Virus Fairy Tale, Article 4- "I took the side of viruses being not real in the world of controversies and virology. This video presentation by Dr. Tom Cowan presents ... proofs. Virology is a Fairy Tale."
“ Dr. Tom Cowan- Deductive Reasoning Guideline for Virus Investigation. ”-4/24/2023: Deductive Reasoning Guideline, Article 3- "A guideline for us to prove or disprove virus existence-- very intuitive logical deduction. Key points to spotlight on deceptions in the languages, and communication styles they presents..."
“ Dr. Tom Cowan- Lies and Dangers of Vaccines. ”-4/25/2023: Challenge to mRNA and other Vaccines Doctors, Article 2- "...the lies of mRNA vaccine and all other vaccines, alluding to dangers and conspiracies...."
“ Galen Winsor- Nuclear Energy Fear Scam ”-4/23/2023: Nuclear Energy Fear, Article 1- "Nuclear Energy is turned useless via radio activity fears. Regulations and safety controls make inaccessible for people."